How to tell if you should sue you financial advisor

Investments are increasingly complicated to navigate, so it isn’t unusual for both individuals and businesses to work with a financial advisor to achieve their goals.

But what if your advisor gives you bad advice? If your dreams are shattered because of bad investments, are you simply out of luck or should you sue for damages? It can be hard to tell when you’ve been legally wronged as opposed to just unfortunate. Here are some of the signs that it’s time to talk to an attorney:

  • You were misled about your financial advisor’s experience, qualifications, services or fees.
  • You were pushed toward investments that aren’t aligned with your values, strategy or needs.
  • Your financial advisor withheld critical information that you needed to make sound decisions.
  • Your financial advisor made inaccurate or deceptive statements about the value of an investment.
  • There were conflicts of interest that your financial advisor failed to disclose.
  • Investments or trades were made without your permission.
  • Your financial advisor made trades solely to earn more in commissions without regard to your needs.
  • Your financial advisor took your money but did not invest it.

All of these are signs that your financial advisor committed a breach of their fiduciary duty toward you. You may be due the value of your lost investments and profits, other losses and compensation for all of the emotional distress and trouble you have endured as a result. Find out more about how our office may be able to help you work to recover damages whether you operate a business or are a private investor.

Categories: Business Litigation